Map the catalyst expression to ObjectInspector, however, if the expression is Literal or foldable, a constant writable object inspector returns; Otherwise, we always get the object inspector according to its data type(in catalyst)
Map the catalyst expression to ObjectInspector, however, if the expression is Literal or foldable, a constant writable object inspector returns; Otherwise, we always get the object inspector according to its data type(in catalyst)
Catalyst expression to be mapped
Hive java objectinspector (recursively).
Catalyst data type
Hive java object inspector (recursively), not the Writable ObjectInspector We can easily map to the Hive built-in object inspector according to the data type.
Builds unwrappers ahead of time according to object inspector types to avoid pattern matching and branching costs per row.
Builds unwrappers ahead of time according to object inspector types to avoid pattern matching and branching costs per row.
The HiveStructField to create an unwrapper for.
A function that performs in-place updating of a MutableRow. Use the overloaded ObjectInspector version for assignments.
Builds unwrappers ahead of time according to object inspector types to avoid pattern matching and branching costs per row.
Builds unwrappers ahead of time according to object inspector types to avoid pattern matching and branching costs per row.
Strictly follows the following order in unwrapping (constant OI has the higher priority):
Constant Null object inspector =>
return null
Constant object inspector =>
extract the value from constant object inspector
If object inspector prefers writable =>
extract writable from data
and then get the catalyst type from the writable
Extract the java object directly from the object inspector
NOTICE: the complex data type requires recursive unwrapping.
the ObjectInspector used to create an unwrapper.
A function that unwraps data objects. Use the overloaded HiveStructField version for in-place updating of a MutableRow.
Wraps with Hive types based on object inspector.
Wraps with Hive types based on object inspector.
The wrapper class of Hive input and output schema properties