Bugs Fixed
- [PIVOT-17] - Set ApplicationContext origin property when using Web Start
- [PIVOT-48] - Border corners are not painted correctly
- [PIVOT-52] - WTKXSerializer throws on empty string attributes
- [PIVOT-54] - Folder#refresh() doesn't fire events
- [PIVOT-56] - TableView.RowEditor does not extend Editor
- [PIVOT-58] - TerraTreeViewSkin#nodesSorted() is unimplemented
- [PIVOT-59] - TreeViewNodeEditor and ListViewItemEditor break on sorted lists
- [PIVOT-60] - pivot.io.Folder does not appear to handle sorting properly
- [PIVOT-61] - TreeBranch does not handle comparitor completely
- [PIVOT-65] - Drop shadows in menu and list button popups don't fade when window is closed
- [PIVOT-70] - Override both equals() and hashCode()
- [PIVOT-71] - Dash array (focused state) values are incorrect
- [PIVOT-76] - Threading issues with ApplicationContext$ScheduledCallback
- [PIVOT-91] - MenuPopup should automatically close when a user clicks outside its bounds
- [PIVOT-94] - Exception in DropShadowDecorator
- [PIVOT-97] - Build yields incorrect output in environments whose default encoding in not UTF-8
- [PIVOT-100] - Minor repaint issue in TerraSpinnerSkin
- [PIVOT-101] - Build on JDK1.5/Mac can cause issues
- [PIVOT-107] - Data-driven component skins do not call render() on renderers before calculating preferred size
- [PIVOT-108] - Calendar Weekdays don't line up for French and Spanish
- [PIVOT-109] - ImageViewSkin does not correctly propagate repaint region
- [PIVOT-125] - Multiple response headers not handled correctly.
Improvements Made
- [PIVOT-36] - Optimize drop shadow decorator for better performance
- [PIVOT-46] - Update themes to use "provider" architecture, similar to charts
- [PIVOT-50] - Use a default comparator in pivot.io.Folder that sorts alphabetically
- [PIVOT-55] - Add path support for put() and remove() to JSONSerializer
- [PIVOT-57] - TableView.RowEditor should be initiated based on a double-click gesture
- [PIVOT-63] - Rollup should differentiate between user-added and skin-added components
- [PIVOT-64] - Make "bullet" configurable in TerraRollupSkin
- [PIVOT-66] - Optimize Viewport by only painting the revealed area
- [PIVOT-67] - Component#userData should allow multiple clients to co-exist
- [PIVOT-68] - Alignment.JUSTIFY improvements
- [PIVOT-80] - create adapter classes for listener interfaces
- [PIVOT-84] - Create Sequence.Tree.Path
- [PIVOT-85] - Make WTK structure-like classes immutable
- [PIVOT-90] - Add drop shadows to list button and calendar button popups
- [PIVOT-95] - Add a listCleared() event to pivot.collections.ListListener
- [PIVOT-96] - Java2D performance optimizations
- [PIVOT-98] - ImageViewSkin needs to do bounds checking on opacity
- [PIVOT-106] - Move META-INF/services/javax.xml.stream.XMLInputFactory file into rebundled StAX JAR
- [PIVOT-120] - Eliminate wtkx:include namespace attribute
- [PIVOT-121] - Clean up CardPaneSkin styles
- [PIVOT-123] - Disable the tab button/accordion header when the corresponding tab/panel is disabled
- [PIVOT-127] - Add support for comments to JSONSerializer
New Features Added
- [PIVOT-18] - Drawing (vector image) support
- [PIVOT-19] - Add basic movie support
- [PIVOT-49] - Allow caller to specify a FileFilter in pivot.io.Folder
- [PIVOT-62] - Create a strictValidation style in TerraTextInputSkin
- [PIVOT-83] - Display host scaling
- [PIVOT-92] - Container that allows Absolute Positioning
- [PIVOT-105] - Create Component.getGraphics()
- [PIVOT-111] - Provide annotations to map WTKX data to application member variables
- [PIVOT-112] - Create a text encoding for gradient paints
- [PIVOT-113] - Support full-screen mode in DesktopApplicationContext
- [PIVOT-115] - Add an ActivityIndicator component
- [PIVOT-117] - Provide a means for an application to handle "about" information
- [PIVOT-126] - Add a ByteArraySerializer for serializing arbitrary content, byte per byte (in a buffered way, if possible)
Tasks Accomplished
- [PIVOT-51] - Move test code into base project under test source directory; use JUnit more pervasively