Apache OpenEJB version 3.0-beta-2 Release Notes January 31st, 2008 New Features: * [OPENEJB-688] JAX-WS Web Services Support * [OPENEJB-741] Support for Tomcat 5.5 * [OPENEJB-752] Release OpenEJB as OSGi bundles * [OPENEJB-435] Support for JDK 1.6 / JRE 6.0 Improvements: * [OPENEJB-253] Per EJB or EJB Interface JNDI Name declaration * [OPENEJB-743] Improved configuration error detection and help * [OPENEJB-745] Resource ordering for elements that reference other declarations * [OPENEJB-668] Client JNDI Context.list method support * [OPENEJB-371] ENC: service-ref support * [OPENEJB-365] Example: Default Interceptors * [OPENEJB-363] Example: Interceptors for Business Methods * [OPENEJB-366] Example: Method-level Interceptors * [OPENEJB-358] Example: Using JDBC * [OPENEJB-360] Example: Using JPA * [OPENEJB-571] Validation: @PersistenceContext name is specified * [OPENEJB-572] Validation: @PersistenceUnit name is specified * [OPENEJB-730] Validation: Attempted use of PersistenceContextType.EXTENDED by non-Stateful bean * [OPENEJB-682] Validation: Incorrect usage of @PersistenceContext on EntityManagerFactory * [OPENEJB-681] Validation: Incorrect usage of @PersistenceUnit on EntityManager * [OPENEJB-680] Validation: Incorrect usage of @Resouce on EntityManager or EntityManagerFactory * [OPENEJB-733] -e (--errors) option to produce execution error messages (exceptions) * [OPENEJB-722] Add OPENEJB_OPTS to pass additional runtime options (useful for debugging) Bugs: * [OPENEJB-701] EJB 2.0 depricated message-driven-destination tag not supported * [OPENEJB-742] java.lang.NullPointerException at ConfigurationFactory$DefaultService.access$000(ConfigurationFactory.java:NNN) * [OPENEJB-746] Command line tool Deploy/Undeploy asymmetry * [OPENEJB-753] Validation results not reported * [OPENEJB-744] Connector 'type' attribute ignored in openejb.xml * [OPENEJB-718] Disable OpenEJB service-ref processing when embedded in Geronimo * [OPENEJB-673] running openejb deploy command for an already deployed module throws an exception * [OPENEJB-716] Security with LocalInitialContextFactory * [OPENEJB-709] --offline parameter ignored at deploy * [OPENEJB-707] NullPointerException creating app configuration in Assembler * [OPENEJB-714] Required dependency to commons-logging is not declared. * [OPENEJB-698] usage: deploy ... upon executing openejb undeploy * [OPENEJB-713] java.lang.IllegalStateException: Can't overwrite cause * [OPENEJB-747] pre-destroy callbacks not getting called on throwing a RuntimeException in the business method of a stateless session bean. * [OPENEJB-700] Must be online to deploy: Cannot unmarshall the ejb-jar.xml file * [OPENEJB-710] @Resource TimerService injection is not supported * [OPENEJB-706] NullPointerException initializing activemq * [OPENEJB-715] Assembler.removeContainer() does not unbind container from JNDI * [OPENEJB-697] InvocationTargetException upon deploying already-deployed ejb-jar * [OPENEJB-583] Method-level @ExcludeClassInterceptors disables class-level @ExcludeDefaultInterceptors * [OPENEJB-740] Business method interceptor methods defined by the bean class's superclasses are not invoked * [OPENEJB-695] agent library failed to init: instrument upon running server from within a path with space * [OPENEJB-719] URL resource-ref are not handled correctly when embedded in Geronimo * [OPENEJB-725] openejb-core has a strong dependency on activemq-core * [OPENEJB-683] Application deployed successfully at {0} * [OPENEJB-735] NPE in AnnotationDeployer if null member is passed into buildResource() * [OPENEJB-693] openejb always says it binds to * [OPENEJB-704] GeronimoMappedName must be updated for new mejb name Tasks & Sub-Tasks: * [OPENEJB-748] Remove hard dependency on org.apache.log4j.MDC * [OPENEJB-699] Upgrade Derby to * [OPENEJB-720] Upgrade OpenJPA to 1.0.1 * [OPENEJB-721] Upgrade geronimo-transaction to 2.0.2 * [OPENEJB-703] Upgrade to Apache XBean 3.2 * [OPENEJB-749] Upgrade to CXF 2.0.4 * [OPENEJB-736] Upgrade to Derby * [OPENEJB-739] Upgrade to JAXB 2.0.5 * [OPENEJB-726] Provide a constructor for the servlet when not instanciated with the standard mechanism