Release Notes - Kafka - Version
Below is a summary of the JIRA issues addressed in the release of Kafka. For full documentation of the
release, a guide to get started, and information about the project, see the Kafka
project site.
Note about upgrades: Please carefully review the
upgrade documentation for this release thoroughly
before upgrading your cluster. The upgrade notes discuss any critical information about incompatibilities and breaking
changes, performance changes, and any other changes that might impact your production deployment of Kafka.
The documentation for the most recent release can be found at
- [KAFKA-5242] - add max_number _of_retries to exponential backoff strategy
- [KAFKA-5410] - Fix taskClass() method name in Connector and flush() signature in SinkTask
- [KAFKA-5485] - Streams should not suspend tasks twice
- [KAFKA-2105] - NullPointerException in client on MetadataRequest
- [KAFKA-4669] - KafkaProducer.flush hangs when NetworkClient.handleCompletedReceives throws exception
- [KAFKA-4856] - Calling KafkaProducer.close() from multiple threads may cause spurious error
- [KAFKA-5152] - Kafka Streams keeps restoring state after shutdown is initiated during startup
- [KAFKA-5167] - streams task gets stuck after re-balance due to LockException
- [KAFKA-5417] - Clients get inconsistent connection states when SASL/SSL connection is marked CONECTED and DISCONNECTED at the same time
- [KAFKA-5431] - LogCleaner stopped due to org.apache.kafka.common.errors.CorruptRecordException
- [KAFKA-5464] - StreamsKafkaClient should not use StreamsConfig.POLL_MS_CONFIG
- [KAFKA-5484] - Refactor kafkatest docker support
- [KAFKA-5506] - bin/ failing to query offsets
- [KAFKA-5508] - Documentation for altering topics
- [KAFKA-5512] - KafkaConsumer: High memory allocation rate when idle
- [KAFKA-5544] - The LastStableOffsetLag metric should be removed when partition is deleted
- [KAFKA-5556] - KafkaConsumer.commitSync throws IllegalStateException: Attempt to retrieve exception from future which hasn't failed
- [KAFKA-5567] - With transformations that mutate the topic-partition committing offsets should to refer to the original topic-partition
- [KAFKA-5584] - Incorrect log size for topics larger than 2 GB
- [KAFKA-5587] - Processor got uncaught exception: NullPointerException
- [KAFKA-5600] - Group loading regression causing stale metadata/offsets cache
- [KAFKA-5603] - Streams should not abort transaction when closing zombie task
- [KAFKA-5608] - System test failure due to timeout starting Jmx tool
- [KAFKA-5610] - KafkaApis.handleWriteTxnMarkerRequest can return UNSUPPORTED_FOR_MESSAGE_FORMAT error on partition emigration
- [KAFKA-5611] - One or more consumers in a consumer-group stop consuming after rebalancing
- [KAFKA-5623] - ducktape kafka service: do not assume Service contains num_nodes
- [KAFKA-5630] - Consumer poll loop over the same record after a CorruptRecordException
- [KAFKA-5634] - Replica fetcher thread crashes due to OffsetOutOfRangeException
- [KAFKA-5643] - Using _DUCKTAPE_OPTIONS has no effect on executing tests
- [KAFKA-5644] - Transient test failure: ResetConsumerGroupOffsetTest.testResetOffsetsToZonedDateTime
- [KAFKA-5658] - Fix AdminClient request timeout handling bug resulting in continual BrokerNotAvailableExceptions
- [KAFKA-5659] - Fix error handling, efficiency issue in AdminClient#describeConfigs
- [KAFKA-5700] - producer missed header information when splitting batches
- [KAFKA-5704] - Auto topic creation causes failure with older clusters
- [KAFKA-5717] - [streams] 'null' values in state stores
- [KAFKA-5731] - Connect WorkerSinkTask out of order offset commit can lead to inconsistent state
- [KAFKA-5737] - KafkaAdminClient thread should be daemon
- [KAFKA-5745] - Partition.makeLeader() should convert HW to OffsetMetadata before becoming the leader
- [KAFKA-5747] - Broker crashes on startup when trying to parse empty snapshot files
- [KAFKA-5752] - Delete topic and re-create topic immediate will delete the new topic's timeindex
- [KAFKA-5771] - org.apache.kafka.streams.state.internals.Segments#segments method returns incorrect results when segments were added out of order
- [KAFKA-5787] - StoreChangeLogReader needs to restore partitions that were added post initialization
- [KAFKA-5818] - KafkaStreams state transitions not correct
- [KAFKA-5742] - Support passing ZK chroot in system tests
- [KAFKA-5020] - Update protocol documentation to mention message format v2
- [KAFKA-5342] - Distinguish abortable failures in transactional producer
- [KAFKA-5490] - Deletion of tombstones during cleaning should consider idempotent message retention
- [KAFKA-5522] - ListOffset should take LSO into account when searching by timestamp
- [KAFKA-5727] - Add the archetype project along with "write applications" web docs.