[GIRAPH-287] - Add option to limit the number of open requests
[GIRAPH-299] - Constant value in BspServiceMaster should be static
[GIRAPH-301] - InputSplit Reservations are clumping, leaving many workers asleep while other process too many splits and get overloaded.
[GIRAPH-305] - Adding an argument to GiraphRunner for Master Compute classes
[GIRAPH-307] - InputSplit list can be long with many workers (and locality info) and should not be re-created every time a worker calls reserveInputSplit()
[GIRAPH-314] - Implement better message grouping to improve performance in SimpleTriangleClosingVertex
[GIRAPH-322] - Run Length Encoding for Vertex#sendMessageToAllEdges might curb out of control message growth in large scale jobs
[GIRAPH-328] - Outgoing messages from current superstep should be grouped at the sender by owning worker, not by partition
[GIRAPH-336] - style violations in giraph-formats-contrib