Release Notes -- Apache Geronimo -- Version 3.0.1 Geronimo URLs ------------- Home Page: Downloads: Documentation: Mailing Lists: Source Code: Bug Tracking: Wiki: Documentation ------------- Please see for the latest documentation on this release. System Requirements ------------------- You need a platform that supports the Sun JDK 6.0+ (J2SE 1.6.0+) or greater. Most testing has been done on Linux, Mac OS X, and Windows. Certification Status -------------------- Apache Geronimo v3.0.1 has passed 100% of SUN's Java Enterprise Edition 6.0 Full Profile Certification Test Suite. See "Distributions" for further details. Distributions ------------- Apache Geronimo v3.0.1 is available in 6 distributions so you can pick the one that best fits your environment. The available distributions are as follows: Certified distributions: - Apache Geronimo server using Tomcat as the Web container and Axis2 as the Web Services engine. (Java EE 6 Full Profile Certificated) - Apache Geronimo server assembly using Tomcat as the Web container. (Java EE 6 Web Profile Certified) Non-Certified distributions: - A minimal Geronimo server (Little-G) assembly using the Tomcat web-container. Supported features ------------------ Support SUN's Java Enterprise Edition 6.0 Full Profile specification: - Servlet 3.0 - JSP 2.2 - JSTL 1.2 - JSF 2.1 - EL 2.2 - EJB 3.1 - JPA 2.0 - JTA 1.1 - JTS 1.0 - JDBC 4.0 - JNDI 1.2 - JMS 1.1 - JMX 1.2 - JACC 1.4 - JASS 1.0 - JASPIC 1.0 - JAX-WS 2.2 - JAX-RPC 1.1 - JAX-RS - JAXR 1.0 - JAXB 2.2 - JAXP 1.3 - SAAJ 1.3 - Java Mail 1.4 - DI 1.0 - Bean Validation 1.0 - Common Annotations 1.0 - CDI and DI 1.0 - Debugging support for other languages 1.0 - Managed Beans 1.0 - Interceptors 1.1 For details about Full Profile specifications, please visit Java EE specifications website. Support Apache Aries programming model, including support for - Enterprise Bundle Application (EBA) - OSGi Web Application Bundle (WAB) - OSGi Blueprint Container service Geronimo v3.0.1 Issues Resolved ------------------------------ ** Bug GERONIMO-6466 Remote address filter feature doesn't work when add it into GERONIMO-6448 "Configuration already exists" error when redeploying OSGi application GERONIMO-6440 unlock keystore action appears to be broken when running server against Oracle JDK 1.7 GERONIMO-6439 There are some spelling mistakes in's DeploymentException message GERONIMO-6435 Invalid method interface: MessageEndpoint GERONIMO-6427 Transport scheme NOT recognized: [tcp] GERONIMO-6416 Couldn't assemble a server with JDK7 GERONIMO-6415 org.apache.geronimo.configs/aspectj/3.0.1/car throw an error on startup. GERONIMO-6406 Import some fixed from axis2 to geronimo 3.0 for ssl issue GERONIMO-6404 Import some fixes into Tomcat 7.0.27 about Apache Tomcat DIGEST authentication weaknesses and Denial of Service from Tomcat community GERONIMO-6401 Download MYSQL drivers attempts to retrieve old jar file GERONIMO-6398 password in file can't be encrypted if console related modules are disabled GERONIMO-6390 A port used by geronimo server but is not controlled in the GERONIMO-6388 geronimo debug does not work GERONIMO-6381 Breakpoint failed after hotswap classes GERONIMO-6375 DuplicateBundleException when runing geronimo 3.0 from a Symbolic-link path in Linux system. GERONIMO-6370 Update static files without bundle restart GERONIMO-6197 clientAuth value should be set in type of boolean not string GERONIMO-6178 "Illegal character in path" exception if module package contains space GERONIMO-6161 Support MSSQL Server 2008 XA Datasource Creation GERONIMO-6159 bundle-classPath setting in the deployment plan of EAR doesn't work GERONIMO-6138 JDBC 4 API is not supported GERONIMO-6085 stop setting java.ext.dirs in geronimo scripts GERONIMO-5948 Can't input the string path completely via karaf shell GERONIMO-5737 setJavaEnv.bat does not work under TCC/LE command shell for Windows GERONIMO-5729 Access the wrong web console page should get appropriate error message ** Improvement GERONIMO-6446 Build with Java 7 GERONIMO-6442 Improve deployment performance of OSGi applications GERONIMO-6445 Support configuration imports GERONIMO-6434 in-place deployment for OSGi applications GERONIMO-6397 Improve resolver-based error messages for OSGi application GERONIMO-6396 ActiveMQ transportConnector host should be ActiveMQHostname in GERONIMO-6393 javax.validation.Validator lookup improvement GERONIMO-6392 Unnecessary file copy in deployer GERONIMO-6385 Adjust default thread pool at runtime GERONIMO-6382 Minor performance improvement in ImplicitObjectELResolver GERONIMO-6378 Recognize URIEncoding and asyncTimeout parameters in server.xml GERONIMO-4988 add jms Axis2 transport ** New Feature GERONIMO-6417 Launch listener GERONIMO-6374 Clear cache after unclean shutdown GERONIMO-6319 Discover and provision fragment bundles during OSGi application resolution GERONIMO-6267 Enable JSF 2.1 support for 3.0-beta and trunk GERONIMO-6202 Add sql server 2008 tranql and update db2iseriesxa and db2xa tranql version GERONIMO-5764 Support Bundles Deployment in deployment command line ** Task GERONIMO-6407 Reenable restful-test project for testsuite testing GERONIMO-6447 Pick up Tomcat 7.0.39 release for 3.0 branch GERONIMO-6467 Make 3.0.1 release ** Sub-task GERONIMO-5166 GERONIMO-5087 Enable car-maven-plugin to use Equinox Known Issues and Limitations ---------------------------- GERONIMO-6437 @WebService POJO in WAR cannot load SEI from EAR/lib - deployment ClassNotFoundException GERONIMO-6431 support for basic authentication for external maven repositories GERONIMO-6425 deadlock involving Karaf Shell and Blueprint Extender GERONIMO-6423 Programmatically registering JASPIC auth module doesn't work correctly GERONIMO-6419 java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/log4j/CategoryKey GERONIMO-6414 Car deployment has no mechanism for removing installed dependencies GERONIMO-6412 car-maven-plugin manifest does not handle snapshot version correctly GERONIMO-6410 Provide mechanism to deploy osgi bundles so they're not added to the repository GERONIMO-6408 install-plugin has no mechanism for handling authentication of remote repositories GERONIMO-6405 websphere mq issue: MQJCA1026: An operation on a domain specific object was not valid. GERONIMO-6402 Import some fixes into Tomcat about Apache Tomcat DIGEST authentication weaknesses and Denial of Service from Tomcat community GERONIMO-6391 plugin repository für geronimo 3.0 requires JVM 1.6, 1.5. but JVM 1.7 is used GERONIMO-6387 @EJB doesn't work in an EJB annotated with @Entity GERONIMO-6383 Geronimo v3.0 (release) - Fail to unwrap OracleConnection - JDBC4 - TranQL 1.7 GERONIMO-6377 Couldn't save connection pool parameters change permanently GERONIMO-6369 Cannot deploy EAR when using SystemProperties gbean and java 7 GERONIMO-6368 Could not undeploy the application using deploy in offline mode GERONIMO-6367 java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: GERONIMO-6365 Cannot browse jms resources for JMSException in admin console JMS resource portlet GERONIMO-6361 Correct the link's href when the application is deployed on the virtual host. GERONIMO-6354 web.xml in geronimo server does not work GERONIMO-6352 session configuration info is not serialized correctly GERONIMO-6351 messages displayed during minimal server startup GERONIMO-6342 Reployment failed because of without starting bundle before build the configuration GERONIMO-6323 Shared library is not available while reading the ConfigurationData GERONIMO-6310 Server can not shutdown or deploy when enable configured encryption and JMX security at the same time GERONIMO-6307 Doc of " 5-minute Tutorial on Enterprise Application Development with Eclipse and Geronimo " need to be updated for Geronimo 3.0 GERONIMO-6303 Cannot create MDB in Java EE 6 way (WAR only) GERONIMO-6297 Plugingroups need to be refactored for assemble a server that decouple openWebBeans GERONIMO-6293 EjbModuleBuilder related eror happened when deploy an standalone ejb web service GERONIMO-6290 Add explicit import-packages for some module builders GERONIMO-6287 Server instance which created by gogo command "deploy:new-server-instance "can't be started GERONIMO-6285 Application also deployed into the default server instance if deploying it in a new instance GERONIMO-6279 NPE related with GBeanInstance happened when excuting karaf features uninstall command GERONIMO-6258 HttpClient classloading problem while deploying ejb application GERONIMO-6252 Fix activemq plan for up to date blueprint jexl evaluator. GERONIMO-6247 Put the stax and jaxb api bundles in endorsed and figure out what the karaf-activator idea is so they can work. GERONIMO-6246 remove package versions from most spec jars until there's an osgi recommendation on what they should be. GERONIMO-6227 Version numbers not resolved in resulting karaf-framework-3.0-beta-1-features.xml GERONIMO-6219 ClassPath references in the MANIFEST.MF does not work GERONIMO-6208 Update maven docs at GERONIMO-6203 Too many unwanted dependencies are added for a simple web application GERONIMO-6185 SchemaFactory.newInstance() fails on IBM JDK GERONIMO-6152 Obscure password when build time GERONIMO-6150 EAR with same servlet name in two war causes deployment failure GERONIMO-6127 "schema export unsuccessful" error happened for spring sample "travel" GERONIMO-6124 spring sample "task-basic" can't be deployed successfully because no deployer is able to handle it GERONIMO-6122 Support Stateless and Singleton EJB as JAX-RS root resource classes, providers and Application subclasses GERONIMO-6116 differentiate the two "OpenEJB ORB Adapter" displayed in "Linstening on Ports" after server startup. GERONIMO-6113 [ServiceLoader] Unable to find service with class name : [org.apache.webbeans.spi.FailOverService] GERONIMO-6043 module init order doesn't always work due to gbean dependencies GERONIMO-6009 Add a JDBC driver leak prevention bundle listener GERONIMO-5961 HttpServletRequest.login() always throws ServletException after invoking HttpServletRequest.isUserInRole() GERONIMO-5951 failed to start server with geronimo-maven-plugin if set a different jvm GERONIMO-5873 starttls.required is not supported by JavaMail GERONIMO-5872 geronimo-servlet_3.0_spec-1.0.jar incorrectly applies semantic versioning to servlet packages GERONIMO-5852 The bundle with resolution:=optional cannot be resolved when the required bundle does not exist. GERONIMO-5842 InternetAddress.parse fails on a valid address GERONIMO-5824 jpa JTA transaction and missing jta-data-source should be warned about or rejected GERONIMO-5807 JSF 2.0 Deployment Problem GERONIMO-5805 Port offset does not affect ssh port GERONIMO-5800 logged-in Subjects are cleaned up after web requests complete GERONIMO-5792 Bundles are not categorized correctly in current OSGi shell or portlet (system, user, war) GERONIMO-5784 Console output is not visible in ssh console GERONIMO-5752 Updates needed to TemporaryClassLoader? GERONIMO-5743 ServletContext.getRealPath() returns null GERONIMO-5739 @Interceptor,@InterceptorBinding in Interceptor1.1 GERONIMO-5722 After deploying Aries Blog and AriesTrader sample, geronimo can not start GERONIMO-5681 Figure out how urlContextFactory works in Geronimo 3.0 GERONIMO-5650 Out of memory when build 3.0 with IBM JDK GERONIMO-5634 Improve ServletContainerInitializer support GERONIMO-5630 Support pincipal copying in Tomcat cluster GERONIMO-5605 Basic Cocoon webapp fails to deploy on Geronimo with Jetty even though it deploys and works with Tomcat GERONIMO-5565 geronimo.out can grow unbounded GERONIMO-5564 No wait-for-server command in trunk GERONIMO-5554 blueprint deadlock during server start GERONIMO-5427 using a maven snapshot in a plugin causes the osgi-plugin to throw a NFE GERONIMO-5414 Remove references to corba in connector deployer GERONIMO-5278 NPE when using Geronimo Karaf shell commands GERONIMO-5268 Context did not start for an unknown reason -- does not help identify the true cause of a deployment failure GERONIMO-5259 Annoying "access denied" security exceptions for oenwebbeans while java2 security is enabled. GERONIMO-5229 PropertyEditors is too willing to pull in editors we don'e necessarly want GERONIMO-5046 Remove need for system property true to get car-maven-plugin to work GERONIMO-5033 Serlvet 3.0 spec jar is missing a bunch of 3.0 schema files GERONIMO-4978 [geronimo-security] FileCertificateRequestStore inappropriately uses InputStream.available() GERONIMO-4901 Shutting down Geronimo destroys pending Timers GERONIMO-4728 Can't access EJB Server portlet with IPV6 address.