Release Notes -- Apache Geronimo -- Version 2.1.8 Geronimo URLs ------------- Home Page: Downloads: Documentation: Mailing Lists: Source Code: Bug Tracking: Wiki: Documentation ------------- Please see for the latest documentation on this release. System Requirements ------------------- You need a platform that supports the Sun JDK 5.0+ (J2SE 1.5.0+) or greater. Most testing has been done on Linux, Mac OS X, and Windows. Geronimo 2.1 Enhancements ------------------------- Custom server assemblies - Lightweight server assemblies may be created that contain only the functional components required by your application(s). Flexible admin console - The admin console is now component-based to mirror the server capabilities. This allows the admin console to provide flexible administrative capabilities that will mirrors the capabilities of a custom server assembly. GShell - GShell is a command-line processing environment that can be used for the execution of Geronimo commands. GShell is an extensible environment and includes support for editing, command history, and tab completion. Clustering Support - WADI can now be used to support clustering of web applications for Geronimo configurations which use the Tomcat Web Container (WADI support for Jetty was in previous releases). - Applications can be deployed to administratively-defined groups of Geronimo servers Monitoring Console Plugin - The monitoring console plugin provides monitoring support in the Geronimo admin console. The monitoring console can gather statistics and performance data from multiple Geronimo servers and graphically display this data to users. Plan Creator (added in Geronimo 2.1.2) - Plan Creator is a new portlet added to administration console to simplify the creation of Geronimo specific deployment plans. Given a web application archive (war), Plan Creator walks the user through a sequence of steps and generates geronimo-web.xml automatically. Geronimo 2.1.8 Issues Resolved ------------------------------ ** Bug GERONIMO-6146 Got ClassCastException when creating Oracle RAC datasource GERONIMO-6111 geronimo-tomcat6-javaee5-2.1.7 does not start in 64 bit Platform when using JAVA 7 GERONIMO-5991 org.apache.myfaces.el.VariableResolverImpl throws java.lang.IllegalStateException when it unsets the scope as null GERONIMO-5950 AMQ-3121: Avoid connection creation while creating XAResource if the connection factory is not an xa connection factory GERONIMO-5825 Provide a option to prevent tar assemblies from generating. GERONIMO-5806 SharedLIb GBean should have priority set to PRIORITY_CLASSLOADER GERONIMO-5712 Geronimo should remember the monitoring server enablement status. GERONIMO-5727 GERONIMO-5712 [Doc] Update doc about section: "Monitoring components on Geronimo Server" GERONIMO-5725 ActiveMQ errors showed when deployed daytrader sample GERONIMO-5723 derby system-database user authentication failure when shutdown server using sun jdk 1.6.0 GERONIMO-5673 ModuleMojoSupport ignores stopOnFailure GERONIMO-5355 ClassCastException while starting snapshot (Stat Query) in G 215 Monitoring portlet through java client GERONIMO-5181 Modification to Database connection pool parameters are not saved when restart Geronimo. GERONIMO-4861 Deployment Plan XML Parsing - Not add generated namespace names to closing tags GERONIMO-4668 Parse XML error after deploying a EJB security jar GERONIMO-5900 NullPointerException on JavaBeanDispatcher class when debug logging enabled GERONIMO-6171 Grails applications do not works correctly when deployed to ROOT folder GERONIMO-5700 Active MQ Fixes in geronimo for AMQ-1779, AMQ-1431 and AMQ-1760 GERONIMO-5689 User-defined derby connection user name and password should be honored when enabling derby authentication ** Improvement GERONIMO-4540 Improve windows startup batch scripts to redirect stdout and stderr messages to GERONIMO_HOME/var/log/geronimo.out GERONIMO-6234 Upgrade some components for 2.1.8 release GERONIMO-6164 Passing more db2 specific properties through db2 xa connector GERONIMO-5265 Modify the redeploy behavior to start all the running childs along with the parent GERONIMO-6234 Upgrade some components for 2.1.8 release GERONIMO-6176 upgrade jaxb to 2.1.13 and use geronimo jaxb 2.1 spec ** New Feature GERONIMO-5749 Command Line utility to enable/disable Monitoring server and Stat query Snapshot thread for DefaultServer GERONIMO-6161 Support MSSQL Server 2008 XA Datasource Creation GERONIMO-6202 Add sql server 2008 tranql and update db2iseriesxa and db2xa tranql version Certification Status -------------------- Apache Geronimo v2.1.8 has passed 100% of SUN's Java Enterprise Edition 5.0 Certification Test Suite. See "Distributions" for further details. Distributions ------------- Apache Geronimo v2.1.8 is available in five distributions so you can pick the one that best fits your environment. The available distributions are as follows: Certified distributions: - Apache Geronimo with Tomcat web container, AXIS2 for Web Services and OpenJPA for persistence. - Apache Geronimo with Jetty web container, CXF for Web Services and OpenJPA for persistence. Non-Certified distributions: - Little-G with Tomcat web container, minimal configuration. - Little-G with Jetty web container, minimal configuration. - Geronimo framework, stripped down Geronimo pluggable framework. Note: Non-Certified distributions do not contain a complete JavaEE5 stack and so cannot be certified. Certified distributions can be reconfigured by the user (such as Tomcat web container with CXF for Web Services). Supported features ------------------ All programming elements of the Java EE 5.0 Specification are available. Known Issues and Limitations ---------------------------- ** Bug GERONIMO-5750 override rat plugin to exclude the files we won't need to scan to make the rat:check result cleaner. GERONIMO-6172 Active Request Count query in monitor portlet shows nothing GERONIMO-6152 Obscure password when build time GERONIMO-6116 differentiate the two "OpenEJB ORB Adapter" displayed in "Linstening on Ports" after server startup. GERONIMO-5825 Provide a option to prevent tar assemblies from generating. GERONIMO-5824 jpa JTA transaction and missing jta-data-source should be warned about or rejected GERONIMO-6189 web access URL is not included virtual host infomation GERONIMO-6173 Update doc accordingly since monitor portlet has default server/querys GERONIMO-6158 Plan creator is not loading all fields from xml descriptor inside WAR GERONIMO-6156 make console more virtual hosts aware GERONIMO-6142 add backup/restore capability to Derby portlet GERONIMO-6073 Rotation and appending of console output when Geronimo is run a windows service GERONIMO-5873 starttls.required is not supported by JavaMail GERONIMO-5745 Override wsdl endpoint address