Ant 1.5.2
This is the 1.5.2 version of Ant. It is available in both
binary and source distributions.
The tar files in the distribution use GNU tar extensions
and must be untarred with a GNU compatible version of tar. The version
of tar on Solaris and Mac OS X will not work with these files
The changes from Release 1.5.1 to this release are detailed below.
Please refer to the WHATSNEW file for more information.
Thank you for using Ant.
The Apache Ant Project
PGP Signatures
Many of the distribution kits have been digitally signed (using
PGP). If so, there will be an accompanying
distribution.asc file in the same directory as
the distribution. The PGP keys can be found in the distribution
directory at <>.
Always test available signatures, e.g.,
> pgpk -a KEYS
> pgpv apache-ant-1.5.2-bin.tar.gz.asc
> pgp -ka KEYS
> pgp apache-ant-1.5.2-bin.tar.gz.asc
> gpg --import KEYS
> gpg --verify apache-ant-1.5.2-bin.tar.gz.asc
- ANT_OPTS environment variable is now applied at the start of the
Java command line, allowing position specific parameters of some
JVMs, such as -classic to be specified.
- ZipScanner#getIncludedFiles will now return the names of the ZipEntries
that have been matched instead of the name of the archive.
- The <zip> task and friends have been heavily modified, almost every
method signature of the Zip class has changed. If you have subclassed
Zip (or one of its subclasses), your class will most likely not
compile against the current code base. If it still compiles, it will
probably not work as in Ant 1.5.1.
- <translate> was not ignoring comment lines.
- <manifest> wouldn't update an existing manifest if only an attribute
of an existing section changed.
- ant.bat now supports the ANT_ARGS and JAVACMD environment variables
again (like Ant 1.5 did).
- The "plain" <junit> <formatter> could throw a NullPointerException
if an error occured in setUp.
- <junit> will now produce output when a test times out as well.
- <replace> would count some internal character replacements when
reporting the number of replaced tokens.
- <concat> would cause an exception if a <filelist> pointed to files
that do not exist.
- <javadoc> will now pass -source to custom doclets as well.
- <cvstagdiff> would throw a NullPointException if there had been no
- <cvschangelog> could miss today's changes.
- <concat> could append newline characters between concatenated files.
- <xmlvalidate> ignored the specified encoding of the files to
- the errorsbeginat attribute of the <http> condition didn't work.
- Ant will try to force loading of certain packages like com.sun.*
from the system classloader. The packages are determined by the
version of the JVM running Ant.
- Ant didn't find the runtime libraries on IBM's JDK 1.4 for Linux.
- random component of temporary files is now always a positive integer.
- Ant could incorrectly try to use the 1.4 regexp implementation even
if it isn't available if you run the JVM with -Xverify:none.
- Ant would die with an exception if you used nested <reference>
elements in Ant and the refid attribute didn't point to an existing
project reference.
- The <get> task can now be compiled (and Ant thus bootstrapped) using
- build.sysclasspath will now be honored by more tasks.
- The signjar keystore attribute has been reverted to a String allowing
it to once again accept URLs. This should not affect current File based usage
unless you are extending the Signjar task.
- <jar update="true"> would remove the original manifest.
- fix up folder creation in PVCS task
- <tar>'s up-to-date check didn't work for nested <(tar)fileset>s.
- Corrected a problem in XMLLogger where it would not associated
messages with a taskdef'd task
- <uptodate> now works when using attributes (i.e. not filesets) and pointing
to the same file
- Java task (and output system) now stores output which does not end
with a line feed.
- splash screen wouldn't disappear when build was finished.
- <exec> now supports OS/2.
- <zip> and friends would only update/recreate existing archives if
the files to add/update have been newer than the archive.
- <javadoc>'s <link> element could fail for offline="true" on some JDKs.
- MailLogger now sets the Date header correctly.
- Shipped XML parser is now Xerces 2.3.0
- signjar now accepts a maxmemory attribute to allow the memory allocated to the
jarsigner tool to be specified. The jarsigner from the JDK's JAVA_HOME bin
dir is now used rather than the first jarsigner on the path.
- **/.DS_Store has been added to the list of default pattern excludes.
- The Created-By header in the default manifest now contains the JVM
vendor and version according to the jar specification. A new header,
Ant-Version provides the Ant version used to create the jar.
- <zip> can now store Unix permissions in a way that can be
reconstructed by Info-Zip's unzip command.