Ant 1.5.1
This is the 1.5.1 version of Ant. It is available in both
binary and source distributions.
The tar files in the distribution use GNU tar extensions
and must be untarred with a GNU compatible version of tar. The version
of tar on Solaris and Mac OS X will not work with these files
The changes from Release 1.5 to this release are detailed below.
Please refer to the WHATSNEW file for more information.
Thank you for using Ant.
The Apache Jakarta Project
PGP Signatures
Many of the distribution kits have been digitally signed (using
PGP). If so, there will be an accompanying
distribution.asc file in the same directory as
the distribution. The PGP keys can be found in the distribution
directory at <>.
Always test available signatures, e.g.,
> pgpk -a KEYS
> pgpv jakarta-ant-bin-1.5.1.tar.gz.asc
> pgp -ka KEYS
> pgp jakarta-ant-bin-1.5.1.tar.gz.asc
> gpg --import KEYS
> gpg --verify jakarta-ant-bin-1.5.1.tar.gz.asc
- <tstamp>'s prefix attribute failed to apply to nested <format> elements.
- <junitreport> created an empty junit-noframes.html if no format had
been specified.
- <basename> would remove more than it should if the file name
contained more than one dot.
- <filterset>s nested into <filterset>s didn't work.
- Shipped XML parser is now Xerces 2.2.0
- Filesets now support a 'file' attribute, allowing a single-file
fileset to be constructed without having to specify its parent
directory separately.
- <junit> will now return the result of a call to getName instead of
"unknown" for Test implementations that don't extend TestCase but have
a public String getName() method.
- Date/time in CvsChangeLog was in local timezone and 12 hour format leading
to a problem when sorting by time. It is now UTC (GMT) and in 24-hour
format as per cvs 'specifications'.
- CvsTagDiff now supports ampersand modules or modules that have a different
root directory than their name.
- EjbJar threw NPEs for the Websphere element. The property 'websphere.home'
was not documented.
- Mail example in the documentation was not correct.
- Checksum was broken in the following scenario:
(using verifyproperty OR in a condition) AND using filesets
with multiple files.
- The ExpandProperties filter threw NPEs when defined using
the <filterreader> format.
- The sh wrapper script didn't work under Cygwin if ANT_HOME wasn't
set with a Unix style filename.
- The sh wrapper script could fail if you started Ant from a directory
with whitespace in its name.
- ant -diagnostics was not working properly when the task dependency
was missing and was just printing the missing dependency.
- If a task got redefined via <taskdef>, it lost its child elements.
- <property>'s classpathref attribute was broken.
- <arg line="''" /> would result in no command line argument, will now
be a single empty argument. Use <arg value="''"/> if you need the
quotes literally.
- <replaceregexp> could append a newline character at the end of the
- Appendix E of Java Development with Ant (Loughran/Hatcher) was
contributed to the docs.
- <available> will only print deprecration warnings if it is actually
used to change the value of a property.